Gianni Del Savio
vololibero - 2017
The art of Nina Simone escapes any classification of genre. In the span of a few years, shy, talented Eunice Waymon (pianist and then also singer) became one of the most important and charismatic figures in the history of Black music.
Given her commitment to civil and racial rights, for some years she is also the “voice of the movement.” Unwilling to turn the other cheek (“I’m not non-violent” she will say to Martin Luther King), closest to the ideas of Malcolm X and Stokely Carmichael.
Nina possessed great talent and passion for classical music, and used that talent and passion to develop her own style of music (she called it Black Classical Music) that touched on themes such as love, loneliness, spirituality, dignity, Black rights, all the way up to reincarnation.
She not only composed a lot on her own but also reworked with great inventiveness some works by music of different rank and style, bent to her expressive needs. Attacks of paranoia and the frantic and greedy world of showbiz caused Nina retreat into herself, leaving behind a long trail of jewels and some exquisite masterpieces.
currently only available in Italian